Digital Business Study Notes

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Chapter 1: Electronic Commerce

The digital revolution has had a profound impact on society in many different ways. Here are some of the most significant ways that the digital revolution has influenced society:

  1. Communication: The digital revolution has transformed communication, making it faster, easier, and more accessible than ever before. People can now communicate with each other instantly, regardless of their location.
  2. Work: The digital revolution has transformed the way we work, making it more flexible and mobile. Many jobs can now be done remotely, and people can work from anywhere in the world.
  3. Education: The digital revolution has transformed education, making it more accessible and affordable. Online courses and educational resources have made it possible for people to learn new skills and advance their education from anywhere in the world.
  4. Entertainment: The digital revolution has transformed entertainment, making it more accessible and diverse. People can now stream movies, TV shows, and music from anywhere in the world, and online gaming has become a popular form of entertainment.
  5. Socialization: The digital revolution has transformed socialization, making it easier to connect with people who share similar interests and values. 
  6. Privacy: The digital revolution has raised concerns about privacy, as people's personal information can be easily accessed and shared online. 
The Digital Economy refers to economic activities that rely on digital technologies and the internet. It encompasses all online transactions that occur in the economy, including e-commerce, digital media, and electronic financial transactions. The digital economy has revolutionized traditional business models, enabling faster and more efficient communication, collaboration, and innovation.
  • For example, companies like Amazon and Alibaba have become dominant players in the e-commerce industry, disrupting traditional brick-and-mortar stores. Additionally, the digital economy has given rise to new industries like app development and social media marketing.
The Digital Enterprise is a business that has fully integrated digital technology into its operations. This includes using digital tools to communicate with customers, automate processes, and manage data. Digital enterprises have a competitive advantage because they can react quickly to changes in the market and make data-driven decisions.
  • For example, companies like Google and Facebook are digital enterprises that rely on digital technology to operate. These companies use algorithms to personalize advertising and search results, and they analyze data to improve their products.
Virtual communities and online communities are groups of people who interact with each other through digital platforms. Virtual communities are online groups that are formed around a shared interest or hobby, while online communities are groups of people who come together online to solve a common problem or achieve a shared goal.
  • For example, Reddit is a virtual community where users can join subreddits based on their interests. These subreddits serve as online communities where users can discuss topics with like-minded individuals.
Electronic commerce, or e-commerce, refers to the buying and selling of goods and services over the internet. E-commerce transactions can occur between businesses, between businesses and consumers, or between consumers.
  • For example, a consumer can purchase a book on Amazon, or a business can purchase supplies from a supplier's website.
Emerging e-commerce platforms refer to new technologies that are changing the way e-commerce operates. These platforms include mobile commerce, social commerce, and the Internet of Things (IoT).
  • For example, mobile commerce allows consumers to purchase goods and services using their mobile devices, while social commerce allows businesses to sell products through social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook.
E-business refers to the use of digital technology to conduct business operations, including marketing, supply chain management, and customer service. Electronic markets and networks are digital platforms that connect buyers and sellers, enabling them to transact online.
  • For example, businesses can use electronic markets and networks to connect with suppliers and distributors to manage their supply chains.
The content and framework of e-commerce refers to the elements that make up an e-commerce website. This includes product information, pricing, payment options, and customer service.
  • For example, an e-commerce website for a clothing retailer would include product descriptions, pricing information, and a shopping cart for customers to make purchases.
E-commerce can be classified based on the type of transactions and the relationships among participants. Business-to-business (B2B) e-commerce refers to transactions between businesses, while business-to-consumer (B2C) e-commerce refers to transactions between businesses and consumers. Consumer-to-consumer (C2C) e-commerce refers to transactions between consumers.
  • For example, Alibaba is a B2B e-commerce platform that connects businesses with suppliers, while Amazon is a B2C e-commerce platform that sells products directly to consumers.
E-Commerce Business Models:
  1. Business-to-consumer (B2C): Companies sell products and services directly to consumers.
  2. Business-to-business (B2B): Companies sell products and services to other businesses.
  3. Consumer-to-consumer (C2C): Consumers sell products and services to other consumers through online platforms.
  4. Direct-to-consumer (D2C): Companies sell products and services directly to consumers without using traditional retailers.
  5. Subscription-based: Companies charge customers a recurring fee for access to products or services.
Integrating the marketplace with the marketspace refers to the integration of physical and digital spaces in e-commerce. This means that businesses are able to create a seamless experience for customers, whether they are shopping online or in-store.
  • For example, a customer might order a product online and then pick it up at a physical store location. Alternatively, a customer might see a product in-store and then purchase it online for home delivery.
Web 2.0 refers to a new era of the internet, characterized by social media, user-generated content, and collaboration. Web 2.0 technologies allow for greater user engagement and participation in online activities.
  • For example, social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter allow users to share content and connect with others, while online collaboration tools like Google Docs enable multiple users to work together on the same document in real-time.
Drivers of e-commerce include the growth of mobile devices, increased internet usage, and the convenience of online shopping. The benefits of e-commerce include greater convenience for customers, increased sales for businesses, and the ability to reach a global audience. However, e-commerce also has limitations, such as security concerns and the potential for job loss in traditional retail industries.

Impact of E-Commerce:
  1. Business: E-commerce has enabled businesses to reach a wider audience, increase sales, and improve efficiency.
  2. Government: E-commerce has led to the development of new regulations and policies, particularly in the areas of consumer protection and data privacy.
  3. Customers: E-commerce has provided customers with greater convenience and access to a wider range of products.
  4. Citizens: E-commerce has contributed to the growth of the digital economy and the creation of new job opportunities.
  5. Society: E-commerce has had both positive and negative impacts on society, including the potential for increased social isolation and the loss of jobs in traditional retail industries. However, it has also contributed to economic growth and innovation.

Chapter 2: Mobile Commerce, Social Commerce and IoT

Mobile commerce (m-commerce) refers to any transaction that is conducted through mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. With the widespread use of mobile devices and internet connectivity, m-commerce has become a popular way for businesses to reach customers and for customers to purchase goods and services.

Attributes of M-Commerce:
  1. Accessibility: Consumers can access m-commerce services anywhere, anytime, as long as they have an internet connection and a mobile device.
  2. Convenience: M-commerce eliminates the need to visit a physical store, saving time and effort.
  3. Personalization: M-commerce can be tailored to individual preferences and behavior, allowing for targeted marketing and personalized recommendations.
  4. Localization: M-commerce can provide location-based services, such as local deals and promotions.
  5. Instant Gratification: M-commerce allows for instant purchase and delivery, satisfying consumers' desire for instant gratification.
Applications of M-Commerce:
  1. Mobile shopping: Customers can browse and purchase products through mobile apps or mobile-optimized websites.
  2. Mobile payments: Customers can make payments for goods and services through mobile devices using various methods such as mobile wallets, carrier billing, and mobile money transfers.
  3. Mobile banking: Customers can perform banking activities such as checking account balances, transferring funds, and paying bills through mobile devices.
  4. Mobile ticketing: Customers can purchase and store tickets for events and transportation through mobile devices.
Benefits of M-Commerce:
  1. Increased revenue: M-commerce allows businesses to reach a larger customer base, leading to increased sales and revenue.
  2. Improved customer engagement: M-commerce provides businesses with direct access to customers, allowing for targeted marketing and personalized interactions.
  3. Enhanced customer experience: M-commerce provides convenience, accessibility, and personalization, improving the overall customer experience.
  4. Cost-effective: M-commerce can be more cost-effective than traditional brick-and-mortar stores, reducing overhead costs.
Mobile marketing is the use of mobile devices to deliver marketing messages and promote products or services. With the growing popularity of mobile devices, mobile marketing has become an important tool for businesses to reach customers.

Mobile shopping involves using mobile devices to browse and purchase products or services. Mobile shopping can take place through mobile apps or mobile-optimized websites.

Mobile advertising involves using mobile devices to deliver targeted ads to customers. Mobile ads can be delivered through various methods such as mobile apps, mobile websites, SMS messaging, and in-game advertising.

Social commerce refers to the use of social media and networking sites to facilitate online transactions between buyers and sellers. For example, a user may see a product advertised on Instagram and be able to purchase it directly through the app.

Social business refers to the use of social media and networking within a company to improve communication and collaboration among employees, as well as with customers and partners.  Examples include Yammer and Slack.

A social enterprise is a business that operates for a social purpose, such as improving environmental sustainability or addressing social issues.

Social media platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter, can be used for marketing and communication purposes. Enterprise 2.0 refers to the use of social media and web 2.0 technologies within a company to improve collaboration and communication.

Entrepreneur networks, such as LinkedIn and AngelList, provide resources and connections for entrepreneurs and startups.

Benefits of social collaboration include improved communication and collaboration among employees and with customers, while limitations may include issues with productivity and time management.

Consumer-to-consumer electronic commerce (C2C) and person-to-person models involve transactions between individuals, such as selling items on eBay or using peer-to-peer payment apps like Venmo.

Internet of Things (IoT) is the concept of connecting everyday devices to the internet, allowing them to collect and exchange data, communicate with each other, and be remotely controlled. Here are some examples of IoT in action:
  1. Smart Homes and Appliances: Smart home devices such as thermostats, lights, and security systems can be connected to the internet and controlled remotely. For example, a homeowner can use a mobile app to turn on the lights, adjust the temperature, and check the security cameras while away from home.
  2. Smart Cities: IoT can be used to make cities more efficient and sustainable. For example, sensors can be placed on streetlights to adjust lighting levels based on the time of day, weather conditions, and pedestrian traffic. This can help reduce energy usage and increase safety.
  3. Smart Cars: IoT can also be used to make cars safer and more efficient. For example, sensors can be used to detect potential collisions and alert the driver, or to adjust the car's speed based on traffic patterns.
  4. Wearable Computing and Smart Gadgets: IoT can be integrated into wearable devices such as fitness trackers and smartwatches, allowing users to monitor their health and fitness levels in real time. For example, a wearable device can track a user's steps, heart rate, and sleep patterns, and provide personalized recommendations for exercise and nutrition.

Chapter 3: Digital Business Ecosystem

Electronic commerce or e-commerce refers to buying and selling goods and services online. There are various electronic commerce mechanisms, such as business-to-business (B2B), business-to-consumer (B2C), consumer-to-consumer (C2C), and mobile commerce (m-commerce).
  • Example: Amazon, an online retailer, uses B2C e-commerce to sell products to customers.
The online purchasing process involves the steps taken by customers to buy products or services online. This process typically includes searching for products, selecting products, adding products to a cart, and making a payment.
  • Example: A customer may visit the website of an online retailer like Walmart, browse through products, add the desired products to their cart, and make a payment through a secure online payment gateway.
An e-marketplace is an online platform where buyers and sellers can come together to conduct business transactions. 

There are different Types of e-marketplaces, 
  1. Horizontal E-Marketplaces: These marketplaces offer a wide range of products and services to a diverse group of buyers and sellers. They focus on a specific market segment or industry and cater to multiple buyers and sellers within that segment. Examples of horizontal e-marketplaces include Amazon, eBay, and Alibaba.
  2. Vertical e-marketplaces: These marketplaces are designed for specific industries or markets, and cater to a specific group of buyers and sellers. They offer a range of products and services within that industry, and provide specialized tools and services to meet the unique needs of that industry. Examples of vertical e-marketplaces include ChemNet for the chemical industry.
  3. Hybrid E-Marketplaces: These marketplaces combine the features of both horizontal and vertical marketplaces. They offer a wide range of products and services across different industries, while also providing specialized tools and services to meet the unique needs of specific industries. Examples of hybrid e-marketplaces include Walmart, Best Buy, and Target, which offer a wide range of products across different industries.
The components of an e-marketplace include a catalog of products, a search engine, a shopping cart, and a payment gateway. The participants in an e-marketplace include buyers, sellers, and intermediaries.
  • Example: Alibaba, a Chinese e-commerce company, operates a B2B e-marketplace connecting manufacturers and wholesalers with buyers from around the world.
Disintermediation refers to the elimination of intermediaries in a business transaction. In e-commerce, disintermediation occurs when the middleman, such as a retailer or a distributor, is removed from the supply chain. Reintermediation, on the other hand, refers to the reintroduction of intermediaries, often in a different form.
  • Example: Airbnb, a lodging rental platform, uses disintermediation by connecting property owners directly with renters, eliminating the need for a traditional hotel intermediary. However, it also reintermediates by providing its own payment and dispute resolution systems.
Customer Shopping Mechanisms - 
  1. Webstores are online stores that offer a single brand or type of product. Online malls are collections of webstores that offer multiple brands and products.
  2. Portals are websites that provide a range of services, including news, search engines, and e-commerce.
  • Example: Macy's is a webstore that sells products under its own brand name, while Amazon is an online mall that offers products from various brands, and Yahoo is a portal that provides a range of services, including e-commerce.
Web portals are websites that provide a range of services, including news, search engines, and e-commerce. The main goal of web portals is to provide users with a comprehensive online experience that meets their various needs.
  • Example: Yahoo is a web portal that provides users with access to various online services, including email, news, search engines, and e-commerce.
Intermediaries play a crucial role in electronic marketplaces. These intermediaries are third-party entities that help facilitate transactions between buyers and sellers. They may provide a range of services such as product promotion, product searching, transaction processing, and delivery logistics.

Electronic catalogs are one of the merchant solutions provided by intermediaries. Electronic catalogs are online databases of product information and specifications, which provide customers with the ability to search, browse and purchase products. is an example of an e-commerce site that provides an electronic catalog of products. Customers can browse through categories, search for specific products, and compare prices.

Search engines are another merchant solution provided by intermediaries. E-commerce search activities allow customers to quickly and easily find products online. Google, Yahoo, and Bing are examples of search engines that help customers find products across multiple websites.

Shopping carts are another tool provided by intermediaries that allow customers to store products they intend to purchase. A shopping cart is a software application that allows customers to select products, adjust quantities, and calculate totals before finalizing the purchase.

Auctions are another mechanism that intermediaries use to facilitate online transactions. Auctions allow sellers to set a minimum price for their products and buyers to bid on these products. eBay is an example of an e-commerce site that facilitates traditional auctions.

Dynamic pricing is a strategy that intermediaries use to adjust prices based on market demand. The prices of products may change depending on factors such as the time of day, the number of units sold, and the buyer's location. Airlines use dynamic pricing to adjust ticket prices based on demand and supply factors such as seasonality, day of the week, and other factors.

The structure of the supply chain is a critical factor in the success of e-commerce. E-commerce order fulfillment process involves a series of steps that include receiving orders, processing payments, picking and packing products, and delivering them to customers. To speed up deliveries, companies partner with logistics providers to improve delivery efficiency. Amazon partners with UPS, FedEx, and USPS to provide delivery services.

Make-to-order (MTO) and mass customization are two supply chain strategies that have become popular in e-commerce. MTO is a manufacturing strategy that involves producing goods only when orders are placed. This allows companies to reduce inventory and manufacturing costs while providing customers with customized products. Mass customization is a strategy that involves producing large quantities of goods, but with the ability to customize them based on customer preferences. Nike, for example, allows customers to design their own shoes using the NIKEiD platform.

Digital payments refer to any form of monetary transactions that are conducted through digital channels such as mobile devices, computers, or the internet. With the increasing adoption of digital technologies, digital payments have become an integral part of everyday life for many individuals and businesses. Here are some detailed notes on the different aspects of digital payments:

Smart Cards: Smart cards are credit or debit cards that contain an embedded microchip that securely stores and encrypts personal and financial data. Smart cards offer enhanced security features compared to traditional magnetic stripe cards and are widely used for making payments in a variety of settings, including retail stores, public transportation, and parking meters.
  • Example: EMV (Europay, Mastercard, Visa) cards are a type of smart card that uses chip technology to protect against fraudulent transactions.
Stored-Value Cards: Stored-value cards are prepaid cards that store a fixed amount of funds for future use. These cards can be used for making purchases at merchants that accept them or for withdrawing cash from ATMs.
Example: Gift cards are a common example of stored-value cards.

EC Micropayments: EC micropayments are small transactions typically involving amounts less than $10. These types of payments are commonly used for purchasing digital content, such as music or e-books.
  • Example: PayPal's micropayments service allows merchants to accept small payments for digital content without incurring high transaction fees.

Payment Gateways: Payment gateways are online services that facilitate the processing of digital transactions between buyers and sellers. Payment gateways securely transfer customer data to the seller's bank for processing.
  • Example: PayPal is a popular payment gateway used by many online retailers.

Mobile Payments: Mobile payments refer to transactions made using mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets. Mobile payments can be made using a variety of technologies, including mobile wallets and mobile banking apps.
  • Example: Apple Pay and Google Pay are mobile wallet services that allow users to make payments using their smartphones.

Digital and Virtual Currencies: Digital and virtual currencies are forms of electronic money that are not backed by a government or physical commodity. These currencies are exchanged through digital channels and can be used for online purchases or transferred between individuals.
  • Example: Bitcoin is a well-known digital currency that operates on a decentralized blockchain network.

Security, Ethical, Legal, Privacy, and Technology Issues: Digital payments are susceptible to security and privacy risks such as hacking, data breaches, and identity theft. Ethical and legal issues also arise in digital payments, such as the potential for fraud and the need to comply with regulations and laws related to money laundering and online payments.
  • Example: The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a European Union regulation that governs data privacy and security for all individuals within the EU. Companies operating in the EU must comply with GDPR regulations to protect personal data of customers.

Chapter 4: Digital Business Applications - I

Electronic Retailing (E-Tailing) refers to the process of selling goods and services to consumers through the internet. B2C E-Tailing has become increasingly popular due to its convenience, cost-effectiveness, and ability to reach a wider audience.

Characteristics of B2C E-Tailing include 24/7 availability, personalized shopping experience, product information and reviews, and secure payment options. Advantages of B2C E-Tailing include lower overhead costs, wider reach, and increased customer engagement. Limitations include potential security concerns and lack of physical interaction with products.

E-Tailing business models include direct sales, online marketplaces, subscription services, and affiliate marketing. These models can be classified by distribution channel, such as pure-play online stores, click-and-mortar stores, or brick-and-mortar stores with an online presence.

Real-time online shopping involves the use of augmented reality, virtual try-ons, and chatbots to provide a more immersive and personalized shopping experience. The online versus offline competition is a key challenge for E-Tailers, who must find ways to differentiate themselves and provide unique value propositions. Click-and-brick models, which combine online and offline sales channels, are one approach to bridging this gap.

The rise of e-commerce has resulted in a new kind of competition between online and offline businesses. Online retailers can offer lower prices due to lower overhead costs, while traditional brick-and-mortar retailers can offer a more personalized shopping experience. This has led to the development of click-and-brick models, where businesses have both online and offline presence to cater to different customer needs.

Click-and-brick models allow customers to have the convenience of online shopping along with the benefits of offline shopping, such as the ability to touch and feel the product before purchasing. For example, a customer may browse a retailer's website to find the product they want and then visit the physical store to make the purchase.

Product and service customization and personalization are also important aspects of e-commerce. Online retailers can offer a wider range of customization options, such as personalized messages or unique product configurations, that are difficult to achieve in offline retail. This can be seen in the rise of direct-to-consumer businesses that offer customized products, such as personalized jewelry or customized meal delivery services.

Fintech refers to the use of technology to deliver financial services. It includes E-banking, mobile banking, pure virtual banks, insurance, and stock trading, among other mobile finance applications. India has seen tremendous growth in Fintech in recent years, and here are some examples of each.
  • E-banking: HDFC Bank is one of the leading banks in India, offering a wide range of online banking services, including internet banking, mobile banking, and phone banking. Customers can perform various banking transactions like fund transfer, bill payment, and more, without visiting the bank.
  • Mobile banking: Paytm, a popular mobile wallet and payment gateway, has over 350 million registered users in India. It offers mobile banking services like fund transfer, bill payment, recharge, and more, all through a mobile app.
  • Pure virtual banks: DBS Bank launched India's first mobile-only bank called Digibank. It provides all banking services through a mobile app, including account opening, fund transfer, and more.
  • Insurance: Policybazaar is an online insurance aggregator that allows customers to compare and buy various insurance policies from different insurance providers. It has been very successful in India and has over 100 million registered users.
  • Stock Trading: Zerodha is a popular online discount brokerage firm that allows customers to trade in the stock market through a mobile app or web platform. It has disrupted the traditional stock brokerage industry with its low-cost structure and innovative products.
Digital government refers to the use of technology to deliver government services to citizens, businesses, and other government agencies. India has made significant progress in digital government, and here are some examples of different models.
  • Government-to-Citizens (G2C): The Government of India has launched various digital services for citizens, like digital locker, e-passport, e-courts, and more. These services help citizens access government services digitally and reduce the need for physical visits.
  • Government-to-Business (G2B): The Ministry of Corporate Affairs has launched the MCA21 portal, which allows businesses to file various statutory documents online. It has made the process of starting and running a business more accessible and streamlined.
  • Government-to-Government (G2G): The National Informatics Centre (NIC) provides various services to government agencies, like website development, hosting, and maintenance. It has enabled the government to offer online services to citizens and businesses effectively.
  • Government-to-Employees (G2E): The Central Government has launched the eHRMS portal, which allows government employees to access their HR-related information online. It has made the process of HR management more accessible and efficient.
  • E-Government and Social Networking: The Ministry of External Affairs uses social media platforms like Twitter to communicate with citizens and address their concerns related to consular services.
  • M-Government: The Government of India has launched various mobile apps like mPassport Seva, mKisan, and more, which allow citizens to access government services through their mobile phones.
E-Learning refers to the use of technology to deliver education and training programs online. E-Training refers to the use of technology to deliver corporate training programs online, while E-Books refer to electronic books that can be read on digital devices.
  • Basics of E-Learning: E-Learning involves the use of digital technology to provide learning opportunities to students. It can be delivered through various platforms like learning management systems, online courses, and virtual classrooms. E-Learning can include multimedia content like videos, audios, and interactive simulations to make learning more engaging and effective.

  • Characteristics: E-Learning is self-paced, interactive, and can be accessed from anywhere. It allows learners to access the course content at their convenience and provides immediate feedback and assessment. E-Learning courses can be customized to meet individual learner's needs, and they can track their progress through the course.

  • Advantages: E-Learning is cost-effective, scalable, and provides a personalized learning experience. It also allows learners to learn at their own pace and provides access to a wide range of learning resources. E-Learning eliminates the need for physical classrooms and reduces travel costs. It is also environmentally friendly as it reduces paper usage.

  • Limitations: E-Learning requires learners to have access to a computer and a reliable internet connection. It also requires learners to be self-motivated and disciplined as there is no physical teacher present to guide them. E-Learning can be isolating for some learners who prefer face-to-face interaction with teachers and peers.

  • Distance Learning and Online Universities: Distance learning refers to the delivery of education to students who are not physically present in the classroom. Online universities are institutions that offer degree programs entirely online. In India, there are several universities that offer online courses and programs, like IGNOU, Sikkim Manipal University, and Amity University.

  • Online Corporate Training: Online corporate training refers to the use of technology to deliver training programs to employees. It is cost-effective and scalable and allows employees to access training programs at their convenience. Many companies in India use online corporate training to train their employees.

  • Social Networks and E-Learning: Social networks like Facebook and LinkedIn can be used to enhance e-learning. They allow learners to interact with each other and share knowledge and resources. Social networks can be used to create online learning communities where learners can collaborate and discuss course content.

  • E-Learning Management Systems: An E-Learning Management System (LMS) is a software platform that helps organizations deliver and manage e-learning courses. It allows organizations to create and deliver e-learning courses, track learner's progress, and assess their performance. Moodle, Blackboard, and Canvas are some popular LMS used in India.

  • Electronic Books: Electronic books or E-books are digital versions of books that can be read on digital devices like smartphones, tablets, and e-readers. E-books are cost-effective, portable, and environmentally friendly. They can be downloaded from online bookstores like Amazon and Flipkart. In India, there has been a significant increase in the use of e-books in recent years.

Chapter 5: Digital Business Applications - II

Online travel and tourism services refer to the use of technology to provide travel-related information and services to customers. This includes online booking platforms, travel information websites, and travel blogs.

  • Characteristics of Online Travel: Online travel is convenient, accessible, and provides customers with a wide range of options. Customers can book flights, hotels, and other travel-related services from the comfort of their homes. Online travel platforms also offer customer reviews and ratings, which can help customers make informed decisions about their travel plans.

  • Benefits: Online travel is cost-effective and provides customers with the flexibility to plan their travel according to their preferences. It also allows customers to compare prices and services offered by different travel providers. Online travel platforms can offer customized travel packages, which can save customers time and effort in planning their trips.

  • Limitations: Online travel platforms may not always provide accurate information, and customers may face challenges in resolving issues or disputes with travel providers. Customers may also face challenges in understanding travel-related terms and conditions and may not always receive the level of customer service they require.

  • Competition in Online Travel Services: In India, the online travel market is highly competitive, with several players like MakeMyTrip, Yatra, and Cleartrip. These platforms offer a range of services like flight and hotel bookings, car rentals, and travel insurance.
E-Employment refers to the use of technology to facilitate job searches and recruitment processes. This includes online job portals, social network-based job markets, and virtual job fairs.
  • Online Job Market: Online job portals like Naukri, Monster, and Indeed are popular in India. These platforms allow job seekers to create profiles, upload resumes, and search for job openings based on their qualifications and experience. Employers can also post job openings and search for potential candidates on these platforms.

  • Social Networks Based Job Markets: Social networks like LinkedIn and Facebook have also become popular platforms for job seekers and employers. LinkedIn allows users to create professional profiles, connect with other professionals, and search for job openings. Facebook has also introduced a job search feature that allows users to search for jobs posted by employers.

  • Social Recruiting: Social recruiting involves the use of social media platforms to attract and hire potential candidates. Employers can use social media platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter to post job openings and reach out to potential candidates.

  • Virtual Job Fairs and Recruiting Events: Virtual job fairs and recruiting events use technology to connect job seekers and employers. These events allow job seekers to interact with employers through chat rooms, video conferences, and webinars.

  • Benefits and Limitations of the Electronic Job Market: The electronic job market offers convenience and flexibility to job seekers and employers. It allows job seekers to search for job openings and apply for jobs from anywhere at any time. It also allows employers to reach out to potential candidates from a wider pool of talent. However, the electronic job market may not always provide accurate information, and job seekers may face challenges in finding relevant job openings. Employers may also face challenges in identifying qualified candidates and may not always receive the level of customer service they require.
E-Health refers to the use of technology to improve healthcare services. This includes electronic medical record systems, telemedicine, and patient monitoring devices.
  • Electronic Medical Record Systems (EMR): EMR systems allow healthcare providers to store and manage patient medical records electronically. This allows healthcare providers to access patient medical records from anywhere and at any time. EMR systems can also improve patient safety by reducing medical errors and improving communication between healthcare providers.

  • Doctors’ System: Doctors' systems allow healthcare providers to manage patient appointments, prescriptions, and medical records electronically. These systems can also provide decision support tools to healthcare providers to assist with clinical decision-making.
Service Industry Consumer Applications: The service industry consumer applications include platforms like Uber, Ola, and Zomato. These platforms use technology to provide services to customers. For instance, Uber and Ola use mobile applications to connect riders with drivers, while Zomato uses a platform to allow customers to order food online.

Digital Products: Digital products include digital music, e-books, and digital movies. These products are accessible through online platforms like Amazon, Netflix, and iTunes. Customers can purchase and download these products on their devices.

Internet TV and Internet Radio: Internet TV and internet radio have become popular in recent years. Platforms like Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Hulu provide customers with access to a vast library of TV shows and movies. Internet radio services like Pandora, Spotify, and Apple Music allow customers to stream music online.

Mobile Streaming Music and Video Providers: Mobile streaming music and video providers include platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, and YouTube. These platforms allow users to stream music and videos on their mobile devices.

Gaming: Gaming includes mobile games, social games, and gamification. Mobile games like Temple Run and Subway Surfers have become popular among users. Social games like Farmville and Words with Friends allow users to play games with their friends and family. Gamification involves using game-like elements to encourage users to engage with a product or service.

Business of Social Games: The business of social games includes the development and monetization of social games. Social games are often free to play, but developers earn revenue through in-app purchases and advertising.

Educational Social Games: Educational social games are games designed to help users learn a new skill or concept. These games can be used in classrooms or as a form of self-directed learning.

Mobility and Sports: Mobility and sports refer to the use of technology to enhance sports experiences. For instance, some sports events offer mobile apps that provide fans with real-time scores, statistics, and news updates. Augmented reality technology is also being used to enhance sports experiences.

Social Entertainment: Social entertainment involves using social media platforms to connect with others and engage in entertainment activities. For instance, social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok allow users to share their videos and photos with others.
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